offices & Conference rooms
Office Conference Rooms are usually the rooms where the management discusses company business, where staff meetings are held and where clients come to discuss business. Conference rooms provide clients with a glimpse of the company itself.

The presentation of the conference room, often overlooked, should never be underestimated – the conference room needs to be carefully thought out, and the presentation needs to be flawless!
Picture Hanging Systems - Offices and Open Sapces
Offices and Open Spaces
Offices and open working spaces vary greatly in their set-up. Some offices will be dynamic spaces in which images on walls will be renewed regularly - for example, with the latest set of images from a recent company publicity campaign, or images relating to the company products. A car manufacturing company might fill an office with photographs of cars, or with old car designs, to inspire designers and engineers. Office staff will often put up postcards, pictures and photographs of the family (of the children, of the dog!). These personal pictures are usually affixed to walls using sellotape, blu tack, even glue. Providing a STAS system for office staff will protect office walls long term. Installing a STAS system for general staff use will have an immediately positive effect of increasing the overall visible organization of the office space which, from the start, will create a more professional environment - good for staff, good for clients, good for business!
Offices are often places where a variety of items are hung up on walls – pictures and paintings to brighten the place up, pin boards, safety information, announcements, company news etc. It's of utmost importance in such environments that things are put on the wall SAFELY – all items which are hung on walls need to stay put!

Picture Hanging Perfect Solution for Offices
A Perfect Solution for Offices
STAS hanging systems are a perfect solution to all of the above requirements, and offer unrivaled FLEXIBILITY, where everything is hung up safely and securely, but can be taken down quickly and easily to re-decorate walls and ceilings with a minimum of fuss.
STAS systems make all of this possible, plus all STAS rails can be painted over – whatever color you want! Whether the STAS system is for an existing office, or for one which is going to be built, there are many options to choose from, but for office corridors and open spaces, particular attention should be paid to some of the simpler, more economic systems such as the j rails, which could work well in a structure where elegance is optional, but keeping costs down is important. For conference rooms, a top notch elegant system with STAS LED Lighting may prove out to be a real winner – check out the STAS Multirail Crown system.
Long Term Benefits
Long-term benefits of STAS systems include greatly reduced costs over the years (saving on redecorating, painting, plastering and associated liquids, cleaning fluids, paints, plaster etc.), plus zero maintenance cost, zero impact on wall structure once the system has been installed (i.e. no more nails!) and no need to call the Maintenance Department to check out if there's a pipe hidden in the wall, or after you've banged a nail into the wall and found that that's where the pipe is!
We're here to help
Each rail system has been uniquely designed to perform a specific
function or to resolve a particular issue. Although one solution may
seem a perfect fit for your needs that may not necessarily be the case
unless every issue has been presented and fully discussed. Our staff has
the knowledge and understanding of what are the most important
questions to ask when choosing the right system for you. By clicking
below and submitting your requests one of our specialists will help you
in choosing which system will provide the most satisfaction.
